Adverse Reaction
In New Zealand very few things are celebrated here. And from most I get the idea that that is how they like it and anything new or out of the norm is just lunacy or over the top. I like Halloween. Ok, no, I LOVE Halloween. I loved it as a child and I love it now since I have children. My problem is that this country as a whole views Halloween has a bad evil day and shouldn't be celebrated in anyway. Let's get back to the root of Halloween ( It's All Hallow's Eve, the day before All Saints Day. Nothing bad about that. Besides, for me it has nothing to do with saints or demons or god or evil! Why can't something be purely celebrated because we love it or we enjoy it? I love Halloween because we got to dress up in our favorite costumes, have parties and go trick-or-treating. And I love it for the same reasons even more so now because I have children. I don't believe in god/jesus so that must mean Christmas is evil to me because after all Christmas is about god/jesus. Ya know I give up. I don't think I should have to justify why I enjoy Halloween. This country really needs to step back and maybe pull their heads out of their asses and realize that there doesn't always have to be something bad or imply evil connotation because we enjoy celebrating something that isn't the norm in this country.
***And yes, this all comes from a work get together last night where I was outnumbered, 3 to 1, that Halloween is BAD! One lady doesn't mind handing goodies out but makes sure they pray over the loot bags before giving them away to save the children from the ghosts, goblins and gouls. OH YEAH, and she makes sure to include something about Christianity in their loot bags too. HAHAHAHAHA! Nothing like pushing beliefs. If you have that much of a problem with Halloween then don't do anything for it. But also don't say you don't want to put the kiddies off so you give something anyway along with Christianity shoved down your throat! How twisted is that????***